The Little Big Cat:
A Hand-Built Young People’s Museum
*** Free Summer Art Program ***
Open to All Catskill Area Youth Ages 10-18
What? You know that big cat made out of wood on Bridge St. in Catskill across from the pizza place? That’s the Catamount People’s Museum and this summer there’s going to be an “off-spring” >>>The Little Big Cat Young People’s Museum!<<<
Join local artists Matt Bua and Laura Anderson this summer for a weeklong Building Intensive where we’ll create a smaller cat, next to the big one, made out of things found and discarded. You’ll learn how to use hand-tools, how to select and connect materials and how to design and build a unique sculptural structure.
Once built, The Young People’s Museum will house a collection of materials found and created by young people in the Catskill Area including; drawings, photos, maps, zines, interviews, special objects, sound recordings, etc. Through these displays visitors will get to view the talent and creativity of local youth and get to experience stories of what this area looks like through their eyes. You can start working on your submission to the Museum now or you can come to one of several Create and Collect Events throughout the summer (TBA). You could also work with Matt and Laura to create a collection event of your own.
Sunday, July 3rd 5-7pm @ The Catskill Community Center, 344 Main St.
Building Intensive
(lunch and cold drinks provided)
Monday- Saturday, July 11th-16th, 9am-2pm @ 21 W. Bridge St.
Creation and Collection of Display Materials
Throughout the Summer, Dates, Times and Locations TBA
Opening Celebration
September, Date and Time TBA
How to get involved: Contact Laura Anderson (570-560-0463, or Matt Bua (917-291-7404, to sign up and come to the Orientation on July 3rd.
*This project made possible with public funds from the Decentralization Program of the NY State Council on the Arts, administered through the Community Arts Grants Program by the Greene County Council on the Arts.*